Airport Safety


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A Safer Way to Travel

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The most often overlooked area of travel safety is the airport. As most seasoned road warriors will tell you, they commonly drown out the frequently announced airport announcements. But airport safety goes far beyond just keeping your luggage with you at all times and not accepting items to carry onboard on aircraft from unknown individuals. Safety should be an issue before you even pull onto airport property.

Watch that trafficwpe18.gif (2698 bytes)
Airport roads can be very confusing. Infrequent travelers and visitors don't know the airport roads that well and signs can often be confusing. Sudden stops and unexpected lane changes cause accidents. Watch out for that other guy. Having to fill out an accident report will definitely cause you to miss your flight.
Park only in well lighted, designated areas
Airport parking garages/lots can be numerous and massive. Try to park as close as possible to the entrance, elevator, or shuttle stop. If you see someone suspicious, keep going or stay in your locked car with the engine running. If you return late at night, request an escort to your car from security. It's worth it.
Write down where you parked
You don't want to wander through a massive parking system trying to remember where you left your car. Most airports have more than one parking area. Be specific in your note to yourself.
wpe1A.gif (8620 bytes)If possible, check your bags at the curb before going to the parking lot
Not only do you have less to carry all the way to the terminal, but you are also less of a target.
Know where your bags are at all times
It's easy to become distracted in a bustling airport. Keep your hands on your bags at all times. Also, use extreme caution when going through the airport scanners. If you are delayed going through but your bags have exited the scanner before you, they are easily picked up by a stranger.
Give yourself plenty of time.
In your rush to catch that plane, it is easy to become so focused on getting there that you forget something along the way.