Getting There


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Travel Tips 101:
Getting There

Okay, now the tough part comes. You know where you are going. How are you going to get there? Planes, trains, automobiles? How about Ships or Buses?

Method Pros Cons
Planes Fast, time saving.

Variety of destinations

Reasonable fares

Not much scenery at 30,000 feet

Delays common, especially due to weather

Restricted to a limited area during travel.

Trains Great opportunity to enjoy the scenery in route

Relaxing way to travel

Inexpensive Coach Travel

Ability to get up and move around during the trip

Time consuming, depending on destination

Limited destinations

First Class generally more expensive than flying.

Automobiles You control the itinerary and pace of travel


Generally less expensive than planes or trains

Time consuming, depending on destination

Reliable vehicle a must

Traffic stress/Monotony

Cruising All inclusive price

Exciting ports of call

Generally additional mode of transportation needed to get to ship

Not everyone handles motion of ship well

Rigid itinerary

Buses Inexpensive

Variety of Destinations

Time consuming, depending on destination

Restricted to a limited area during travel.