Puds' Pals


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© 2000 by Pudsmom

Thanks to the 'Net, Puds and I have made a variety of friends all over. Here are some of our four legged friends and their humans.

Yonkers, New York


Boomer, D'artgan, and Zippurr appear courtesy of Kathleen. Visit Kathleen's Pages.


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Cheyenne, Sasha (under the covers), and Bandit appear courtesy of Tony. Visit Tony's Page.



Lucky and Kibbles with one of their humans, Gracie.

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Jackson appears courtesy of Suzanne and Brian.

Long Island, NY

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Maggie appears courtesy of her human, Dana. Maggie even has her own website. Visit Maggie's Page.

Boston, MA

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Teddy and Rosie appear courtesy of their human, Sue. Visit one of Sue's many pages.

Kirkland, WA

Iolaus and Lover Boy appear courtesy of their human Kathy