What's a Puds?

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Puds' Pals

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© 2000 by Pudsmom

Puds' Point of View

P.u.d.s.? What the heck is a Puds??? P.u.d.s. (sounds like hoods) is an acronym for Purrfectly Unique Domestic Shorthair. A roughly seven year old male cat that wandered into the travel agency where I was working. Since I was the only cat-free person there, it suddenly became a condition of employment. He's been running the household ever since. Big on personality, he has truly become a best friend.

Doing what Puds does best. Showing off.


A very unhappy camper"Mom's leaving again, I know it"




Can I go too?




Need a Cattitude Adjustment???




Cat Jokes


If you are looking for Jackson or Cheyenne, they have moved to Pud's Pals.